All I want to do is skate and make music with Spunky.
"An honest expression of authentic life experience, a rawness in opposition to artificial perfection."
Wednesday, 1 June 2011
Wednesday, 25 May 2011
Sunday, 22 May 2011
Tuesday, 17 May 2011
Decisions, decisions...
I've never understood why I can't make them, I thought it was because I'm quite open minded and am up for anything, but this is different, my mind just can't seem to settle on something. Normally I find it hard because I'm not really too bothered about the result, but this is the opposite, I really care about the outcome.
I think I need to employ an animal that sits on my shoulder and works it out for me, I'm not sure what animal though, I was gonna say an owl because they're wise, but I don't particularly want wise decisions, I want crazy ones.
I'm gonna go for an Axolotl, they're pretty fucking mental.
I should just do the crazy thing, that's what I've always done and it's always been... crazy.
Monday, 16 May 2011
"Somebody saw somethin’ and they said hey, it looks like a pomegranate, and I don’t know why they call it a pomegranate, but it looks like a pomegranate, right? It became, no matter what language you spoke it in, the syllables are frequencies. It’s the world of creation in vibrating strings, which is sound."
Thursday, 12 May 2011
I have had a rather fantastic few days.
In fact, I've had a rather fantastic few months.
My body aches and my brain is dead, but I wouldn't change a single thing.
Except one thing.
But I told myself I wouldn't.
Nothing is perfect.
(unless you show me it can be)
I've been over-listening to Tyler, The Creator's new album, Goblin.
Follows on nicely from his first album, Bastard.
"I'm a fucking unicorn, fuck everyone who says I'm not" (Radicals)
I am really enjoying GROUPLOVE at the moment, they're definitely onto something, this is their new one:
Back to reality soon, I'm packing in as much lyf as I can before my soul gets dampened by the man.
Sunday, 1 May 2011
Monday, 11 April 2011
Friday, 8 April 2011
I can't get enough of this song.
Yuck - Coconut Bible
"James was covered by a coconut coloured spray,
I pulled his finger and said coconuts are free today,
I knew the only thing that he would cry,
was, 'Coco, cover my eye'"
"A scientific explanation of a coconut death,
There is nothing in the world that I can suggest,
You've gotta leave it all behind,
In your coco covered mind"
I have no idea what coco covered skies look like, but they sound fucking awesome.
I'm going to go eat some coconuts.
Wednesday, 6 April 2011
Sunday, 3 April 2011
Thursday, 31 March 2011
Wednesday, 30 March 2011
Monday, 21 March 2011
Spent the majority of my time in Oxford sitting in the hotel room, coffee shops and pubs - some things that only Oxford can provide. Got back from Oxford and walked around Hyde Park for an hour in the evening sun.
I'm now staring at my wall.
It's not very interesting.
Eels - I Like Birds:
I have purchased tickets to see them in July.
I think it will be the best gig of my life so far.
I like. Eels.
Friday, 18 March 2011
Left for work an hour and a half early today by accident.
Not enthusiastically either.
I popped into uni and did some well needed shopping with the time.
There were also two wonderful buskers on the train playing Bob Dylan songs, London commuters are so hilariously miserable though.
Been very busy this last week, a lot is going on at the moment.
I'm still quite baffled by one completely unexpected "thing".
Everything is good though.
Nothing is really dampening my mood.
Except when the coffee runs dry, ironically.
Off to Oxford tomorrow, should be a good weekend.
The weathers pretty shit, but maybe the rain will also brighten things!
Blood Red Shoes - When We Wake:
"In the end is this all we can ask for?"
Tuesday, 8 March 2011
Finally home from work!
Had an exciting, but incredibly long day at work.
But it's fine... two days off!
Work Christmas party on Wednesday. A tad late. But I don't give a shit. Free drinks!
Trying to decide what to do with my day tomorrow.
I may end up just sleeping.
I miss dreaming.
My dreams are blank.
Dum Dum Girls - Blank Girl
Friday, 4 March 2011
Wednesday, 2 March 2011
Tuesday, 1 March 2011
Today is over so quickly, this morning/afternoon was a complete blur.
Everything is so temporary at the moment, in which I mean nothing is certain, I guess.
I've always liked that though, anticipation.
It kind of creates tension, good tension though.
I'm quite excited for the near future, no specific reasons, everything seems quite optimistic, which surprises me, as I'm far from an optimist.
Not been up to much the past few days, just relaxing, recovering and working.
The latter describes the rest of my week.
The Dead Weather - Gasoline
The rest of my evening consists of food, buying books off Amazon and a glass of whiskey before I sleep.
Sunday, 27 February 2011
Went to Camden last night to see a stand up talking about deprivation in the tiny Etcetera Theatre, which was fairly humorous, at some parts quite disturbing, especially the fisting part. Ahem.
We then had a slight jam session with some dodgy buskers who could not play guitar.
Camden is full of phonies.
(I wonder whether anyone will get that reference)
Today is the first day in about three weeks I have sat at home, not going somewhere, not doing something. It feels strange, yet, I feel quite accomplished after all I've got up to recently.
Friday, 25 February 2011
I am so glad I'm back into reading. I hate to say it, but, I've been caught up in so much recently that I've been neglecting books. Read half of The Catcher and The Rye on the train to and from work today. Holden is such a wonderful liar.
Beautiful morning, this morning.
A spectrum from the sun shining on the first page:
Frankie & The Heartstrings album (Hunger) arrived today, had a brief listen before work, and I'm pretty impressed, not a bad debut!
This is Possibilities:
Wednesday, 23 February 2011
Blimey, the last five days have destroyed me.
Amazing nights out though.
Went for a "quiet pint" last night, yet somehow ended up in Notting Hill Arts Club drinking ridiculously over-priced Rum Punch.
Time to pick up my guitar, sit back, and catch up with my thoughts.
This is "Substance" performed by Girls:
Christopher Owens is such a tragic figure, "you can figure out what it's about..."
Tuesday, 22 February 2011
Finally home from a pretty damn awesome night at the union.
Spent my day chilling and listening to Yuck, I can't get enough of it.
Here's another favourite off the album, Suicide Policeman:
"If you conjure up a fear, make it loud so I can hear, the tambourine"
Met a rather interesting person tonight.
I'm intrigued.
Monday, 21 February 2011
Two exciting albums released today!
Frankie and The Heartstrings with "Hunger"
Yuck with their self titled debut.
Hunger is in the post and on it's way.
Yuck is being listened to this second, and tickets for Scala in May have just been purchased.
Yuck are one of my favourite bands at the moment, this album is definitely a pleaser.
Their artwork is wonderful, all drawn by Daniel Blumberg:
This is "The Wall", second song on the album:
2011's new music scene seems to be improving by the day!
Sunday, 20 February 2011
Spent the weekend in Bristol and got a pretty good snapshot of Bristolian life.
Started in Badock Hall on Friday night, drank some cheap cider, went to Ramshackle, listened to some dubstep before running away to find more interesting music, drank many a shot of sambuca, met a girl, didn't eat some mouldy bread, ate some pizza, got woken by a fire alarm, failed, got free food, got free bus travel, took up the persona of "Joel", met another friend, had some milkshakes with extra energy, explored, saw some awesome graffiti, ate some croissants, found an awesome pub, drank some strawberry beer, travelled to UWE, drank too much wine, impulse bought two overly priced bottles of wine, stole some muffins, stole some beer, ate some curly fries, played human buckaroo and didn't remember.
I shall be returning, the architecture is amazing, as are the people.
Vital Signs, Frank Turner:
Friday, 18 February 2011
Feeling pretty dead today, although had a rather cheerful day!
My boss has prescribed me with a glass of whiskey to make me better.
I am off to Bristol for the weekend, hopefully I'll be feeling somewhat recovered by tomorrow.
I am incredibly envious of the two people who saw GROUP LOVE recently. I've been waiting for that gig for quite some time, yet a certain coffee chain appears to be stealing my soul. Well, I shall take it back - time to book my 5 weeks holiday!
This is "Colours":
"It's the colours you have,
No need to be sad,
It really ain't that bad."
Thursday, 17 February 2011
The plan:
Three levels:
Any free time I encounter, I choose a level, depending on the amount of time, money and level of adventurousness. Then, depending on spontaneity and willingness of risk, I either choose a place, or throw a dart.
I never waste a moment.
Here goes...
*takes deep breath*
What an awful day!
However, a completely unexpected epiphany on my way home has changed things for the better.
Spontaneity has always been my forte.
I shall use it to my advantage.
More on this to follow shortly,
but for now, enjoy some Patrick Wolf, this is "Paris":
The wolf is ready to run!
I hope you're ready.
Tuesday, 15 February 2011
Nothing really made sense today.
I had a good dinner though, although I'm so used to eating dinner at gone 1am, that my stomach got rather confused with a massive plate of pasta at half 9.
However, my stomach is very accepting.
Been listening to "Colour Trip" this evening, the debut album by Ringo Deathstarr, a shoegaze trio. It was released this week, after three years of touring in succession to their EP in 2007.
It's a very dreamy album. This is "So High":
Sunday, 13 February 2011
What an interesting weekend.
Yesterday I woke up and jumped on the tube with no intentions.
Such a sunny day, "Summer" is here, yet summer is so far away. In London in "Summer", where that first fragment of sunshine breaks through the clouds, when the temperature rises to about 3 degrees, everybody takes their clothes off and squeezes as much as they can out of that post winter sun. I saw a guy who was slightly more sensible though, he was wearing just the one flip flop, the other foot with a boot. On another note, I saw an old man trying to pick up a Costa paper cup up with a broom and a spade. I do love people.
I ended up walking from Notting Hill to Kensington, window shopping at all the arty shops. I wish I had money to buy pointless "meaningful" art.
I also searched for the Kensington All Saints for about an hour, finally realising that it closed down last year. After that disappointment I got a train to Westfield and failed at shopping.
I then went out for a meal and a pint of shandy at the local golf club which was nice. Typical pub food.
Then, I went to a house party in East London which was fun (I think) after a pub crawl for a friends birthday for a few hours.
This was before the drinks started flowing.
Today, I woke up with a killer headache and a loss of life. I got the train home, showered and then met up with somebody who I didn't expect to meet up with. Thank you. I will take your very well formulated advice. The hugs were a bonus.
Patrick is back:
Wolf is a hero.
Saturday, 12 February 2011
Thursday, 10 February 2011
Wednesday, 9 February 2011
Today was a long day, work seems to be getting quite monotonous.
Although, that's to be expected.
Listened to Ash on my way home, my god it's been a while.
Here's Tracers, one of the more meaningful songs from their latest project, "A-Z Series".
Unlike, Mind Control, which has a lovely chorus that goes something like this:
"What the fuck is going on? What the fuck is going on? What the hell is happening in my head?"
"What the fuck is going on? What the fuck is going on? What the hell is happening in my head?"
Very deep.
This is an acoustic version of Tracers, performed by Tim Wheeler and the beautiful Emmy the Great.
One of my favourite Emmy lyrics, is from the song "MIA":
"I've always like this singer,
I remember you were the one,
That told me her name was either Mia,
Or M.I.A."
Woke up to the sunshine on my face this morning, and that of course means it's time to go out in just a t-shirt, whilst completely disregarding the temperature. The tube was completely fucked as normal, but eventually got to Marylebone village where I bought some promotional albums from a charity shop (5 for a pound, can't go wrong!), one of them being Freelance Whales:
I then walked to Trafalgar Square and lied in the sun for half an hour whilst waiting for a good friend I've made in the past few days. We enjoyed an evening of disappointment, tea, arcade machines and 3D glasses.
I'm now at home listening to the Dead Weather and enjoying a few glasses of the perfect drink, Disaronno and Ginger Beer.
Work tomorrow!
Tuesday, 8 February 2011
Monday, 7 February 2011
Today, I went to Notting Hill, browsed the shops for a bit, then had a coffee and a chat with fellow Starbucks Partners. I then walked to Portobello Road, whilst on the way, noticed a "Free Classical Concert" sign...
Can't say no to free!
I went into this large 17th century church, and sat quite near the back.
I swear, for me, something about churches gives off a sad, haunted and trapped feel. They feel like such dark places, I don't know why. For most people, they bring peace, for me they bring mystery and emptiness. God knows why people worship in these places. They creep me out. It's awesome.
The majority of the music was played on two organs. One piece seemed like a ghastly, dark, epic minor rendition of Happy Birthday. Another piece drove me completely crazy, and it seemed it had been written and composed by a madman.
I ate in a lovely little Thai Roof Terrace Restaurant on Portobello Road. "Hi Sir, table for one?" - this made me smile, ironically. I had a Hot and Sour Soup with King Prawns and Mushrooms, and then realised I had no money left to get a main course.
I carried on along Portobello Road and looked around the few stalls that were open, also browsed some antique shops, whilst persuading myself not to spend £500 on an antique 3 foot clock. I bought some clothes in All Saints, and two records in Rough Trade. I bought the new(ish) Yuck 12" and Eels - A Line In The Dirt.
The Yuck 12" I've been wanting for a while, but have tried to stop myself spending money (which after spending £100 today, seems to have gone down the drain).
It includes three songs, Rubber, The Base Of A Dream Is Empty and Dark Magnet. Rubber is very dreamy (which is the trend which "new music" seems to be following recently). However, it has this raw feel to it, a lot of feedback and distortion accompany Max's desperate drowned voice perfectly.

The A Line In The Dirt single is from the End Times album, second in a trilogy of three albums, Hombre Lobo, End Times and Tomorrow Morning. E is a genius.
Now, off to the pub!
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